Thursday, 29 April 2010

Never cast a clout before May is out

I thought it would be nice to share the comments penned by Business Junction below, especially as they links to a business survey of Business Junction members, of which I am one.

I do agree with most of the survey findings although I would like to say a word in support of the Train 2 Gain government funding, especially the Leadership and Management programme.  The application process is very fast - at least in London - and it can be used for a wide range of training support.  I have secured Train 2 Gain funding for several of my clients over the past year including to help clients improve their capacity to bid for and win public sector tenders and feedback has been very positive.

Business Junction wrote:
"Never cast a clout before May is out, especially as there are plenty of politicians to cast your clouts at, as they wander around pointing at big machines and smiling awkwardly at babies. In seven years of building the largest independent business network in London, we have never once received a request from any politician to meet with and discuss the different concerns of the thousands of business people who have attended our events. I blame Sue.

The new MPs might like to bring themselves up to speed with the pressing issues that concern us all by taking a look at the latest results of the b-annual London Business Survey that we produce in association with Clarity. They should be especially concerned with the slow payment of public sector invoices, the iniquities of the tendering process and how business support is targeted.

Results highlights
  • Business conditions improved in the last 6 months, the 3rd consecutive period in succession
  • Business confidence for the next 6 months reached its highest level since the London Business Survey began in Spring 2009
  • 73% of London businesses surveyed receive payment for Public Sector projects later than 29 days from invoice
  • The business support programmes by the Government, LDA and Mayors office continue to achieve a poor take up rate and where taken up by London businesses, the impact has been inconsistent
For the full report, please click here: London Business Survey Results"

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