Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Tender - Jargon Buster

Sometimes it seems like each industry, sector and discipline has its own language and those involved in public sector tendering are no different. Some of the most common acronyms and other jargon is deciphered below.

The two most common terms are:

PQQ - Pre Qualification Questionnaire. A questionnaire that is used as a pre-selection tool, which all would be suppliers must complete.

ITT - an Invitation To Tender. If you get through the initial PQQ then you will receive an ITT which will include a description of the buyers requirements and a general brief on the information that is required from your company if you wish to bid for the contract.

Lots more jargon busted on www.BusinessTalent.co.uk

1 comment:

mr-healthy said...

Thanks for these - very useful. I always get asked what the OJEU notice service is and what it contains? - A decent dfeinition can be found here.