Thursday, 24 April 2008

London Business Network

There is a lot of buzz around getting SMEs into London 2012 supply chains. I was at a London 2012 Business Briefing & Networking event last week - organised by London Business Network a new network that aims to help businesses find out about London 2012 tender opportunities.

Personally I did not manage to do much networking - cold networking is always a challenge, just like cold calling on the telephone, but I was able to get a few questions answered, like who is organising the Cultural Olympiad? It is infact being directly organised by LOGOG (London Organising Committee of the Olympic & Paralympic Games). I wonder whether there will be much tendering going on for those who wish to propose activities to form part of the Cultural Olympiad - I will be watching that space with interest!

Business Link were very strident in promoting their free support services, aimed at assisting businesses with being ready to tender for 2012 opportunities as well as a wide range of other support services. They produce a monthly newsletter, something I have not yet received, so I will check why not, given I have been registered with them for some time. I do believe that business link is an excellent resource, but somehow they do not feel easy to connect with.

I think I will do some mystery shopping with Business Link to test out how good their service is. I will report back on this blog.

For those of you, and I trust there are not too many, who do not know Business Link check out their web pages -

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