Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Freedom Of Information (FOI) - a powerful research tool

Many businesses are unaware how FOI can be used as a powerful research tool. It is especially useful to those companies with aspirations to win public sector tenders. They can for example:

Get information on their competitors by finding out who else has been shortlisted on an invitation to tender;

Find out the value of the existing contract;

Find out who submitted tenders last time the contract was let... and so on.

If you are a company engaged in tendering you may want to make your enquiry via a third party, to keep relationships smooth. It sometimes helps to use a specialist to word the FOI request in a way that will ensure the response you want.

There is also a lot of research information already available in the public domain e.g via contract award notices and lists of existing suppliers on organisations' websites.

Want to know more? Send me a question.

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