Wednesday, 25 August 2010

UKBA supports “buyer decides” principal for business advice

UK Business Advisors (UKBA) believe that, in most cases, the Managing Director is best equipped to decide what is best for their business. The role of the advisor is to offer guidance and support to back the MD’s judgement.

The UKBA network considers the Business Link website as an excellent source of knowledge which should be retained centrally, along with an appropriate call centre. However the UKBA believes the actual delivery of business advice is too individual and patchy to be delivered centrally and strongly supports the government’s initiative to localise business support.

According to the UKBA, the role of government should be to set the strategic framework, not to deliver it themselves. It would be far better to use advisors who can demonstrate real ‘hands on’ experience in business. The UKBA suggests that the government should set out the accreditation framework for the delivery of business advisors, and empower experienced business advisors to help the UK’s business grow.

UKBA believes that the MD of an SME is best equipped to decide what is best for their business. If an MD truly values the help and advice then they should be prepared to pay some contribution to it. This principle puts pressure on the advisor to provide high quality advice that really helps the businesses. If the advisor knows that they will only get paid if they add value, the advice dramatically improves.

UKBA suggests that the government should help by offering a government subsidy of say 25% to encourage business support and advice.

Brian Dash, chair of UKBA said “Trusting the judgement of MD’s and using the expert advisors that are available to SME’s will be the best route to achieving the government target of stimulating a best in class competitive economy.”

For full details visit the UKBA website or contact Brian Dash at UKBA on 0333 444 8522

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